Our Values…


Jesus came to show us that there’s a life more fulfilling than any life apart from him–one where we are reconciled to God, connected to others, and living on purpose. This life is available right now, today, and Jesus has made a way for us to experience it. At Clear Creek, everything we do starts with the gospel, the good news of who Jesus is and what he has done for us at the cross, and the truth that following him changes us in real and lasting ways.


The kind of life Jesus offers isn’t something we were meant to experience alone. It’s about being connected to other people who are also exploring and applying the gospel of Jesus to their everyday. As we walk through life together—through the good, the bad, the struggles, and the celebrations—we discover a richness in life that only comes through gospel relationships that challenge us and help us grow into fully devoted disciples.


We were never meant to keep this discovery of a fuller life to ourselves. We demonstrate the power of following Jesus to the community around us by helping the needy, giving a hand to those who are struggling, and showing the love of Jesus to everyone we meet. That doesn’t mean we don’t talk about it as well, it just means that we lead those around us by living out what it means to follow Jesus. Along with living, we also tell the story of Jesus with those around us. We want to clearly show the impact of the gospel, and boldly share its message.


The essence of new life in Jesus is the act of giving. God gave his Son, Jesus, to do for us what we couldn’t do for ourselves—to bring us into this new kind of life. We believe that if we’re truly going to live out the fullness of this life, we’ve got to make constant strides in giving to others out of what God has given to us. When this kind of generosity takes root in you, you’ll respond by sharing it in every way you can—through your time, your skills and gifts, and even your finances. At Clear Creek, we give because God is changing our hearts and inviting us to respond.


Jesus describes the new kind of life he gives as his kingdom. In his kingdom, Jesus rules over the hearts of his people. But Jesus didn’t intend for us to keep this new way of life to ourselves. Rather, he calls his people to share it with the world. The best way we can do that is through multiplication. It’s not just about passing along information and letting people hear the good news, but about training others to take up the call as well. One person shares with another person who shares with another. One church starts another church which starts another. And on and on it goes as Jesus’ kingdom spreads to the ends of the earth.