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Weddings & Pre-marital Counseling


Congratulations on your engagement! We are excited to help you begin your life together on the firm foundation of a Christ-centered marriage.

Pastors at CCCC require the completion of the premarital counseling program prior to officiating weddings.

In this program, couples are paired with an older mentor couple for eight sessions (two hours each) to help guide them through the premarital curriculum. The cost is $50.00 for the materials.

Pre-marital Counseling

Registering for Pre-marital Counseling:

1. Please review the Wedding Policies and Procedures packet.

2. Submit wedding information four-to-six months prior to your wedding date. If you are requesting a CCCC pastor, you will be contacted to arrange a meeting with him to discuss the ceremony details.

3. Once your wedding information form is processed and reviewed, you will receive an email requesting a $50.00 online payment (per couple) to CCCC to cover the cost of the FOCCUS inventory and book materials.

4. When we have received your payment you will be sent an email with a login ID and password to access your FOCCUS Inventory. This inventory is to be taken by both you and your future spouse separately and without input from one another. Once you have both finished the inventory, email [email protected] to let her know.

5. Finally, you will be matched with a couple who will mentor you. They will contact you to schedule your first meeting.

Please contact Elizabeth Garcia if you have any questions [email protected]

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