Proclaiming the gospel
through radical generosity


When we realize the full weight of Jesus’ sacrifice for us and have known the radical generosity of God and his people, we are inclined to give freely toward the mission of leading unchurched people to become fully devoted followers of Jesus so that others will experience the same love and hope.

The First Gifts offering is an option for people who feel led to give above and beyond their regular giving. Your First Gifts offering can help support Student Camps, People In Need, and Church Planting & Missions. These funds can be found and selected here.


Give Online

Make a one-time contribution or easily set up recurring giving through our online portal. Note: the church is charged a fee to receive online contributions – approximately 2.1% fee for credit and debit cards and .15/transaction and 0.2% of the amount given for bank drafts or electronic checks (ACH).

Text to Give

Processed through Online Giving, Text to Give is another avenue for giving provided for your convenience.

Text GIVE to 832-924-8321, or Click here to set up an account.

Cash and Checks

Please make checks payable to Clear Creek Community Church and indicate which fund you wish your gift to go toward. Cash and checks may be dropped in the offering during services using the provided envelopes or given in person during the week at the church office.

IRA Disbursements

IRA Disbursements are an option for eligible donors. Please contact your tax advisor and brokerage firm to start the process. IRA Disbursement checks can be mailed to:

Clear Creek Community Church
Attn: Financial Assistant
999 Egret Bay Blvd North
League City, TX 77573

Where to Give

We want you to feel free to give toward any of our funds, however, we encourage our regular givers to contribute their regular giving toward the general fund.


Church Operations including ministry costs, personnel costs, debt service cost, campus operations costs, etc.


New construction and new campus expansion costs. When construction or expansion is completed, remaining funds may be used to pay debt costs, if any, associated with existing or new construction or expansion.


The First Gifts offering is an option for people who feel led to give above and beyond their regular giving. These funds include:

Each year, students come to know Christ, dedicating themselves to the mission because of your support and generosity! First Gifts given towards camps provide scholarships and help lower registration costs, giving every student the chance to attend.

People In Need:
Your gifts to PIN impact both our church and our community with the gospel by enabling Clear Creek to help support members and regular attenders who are experiencing seasons of hardship and financial difficulty, as well as ministries who partner with us to serve and share the gospel of Jesus in our community. PIN helps with housing, transportation, utilities, and a variety of other needs.

Church Planting & Missions:
First Gifts to the Church Planting & Mission fund helps Clear Creek to support many church planting and missions work throughout our city and around the world. Your financial contributions to this fund enables us to invest in church planters and missionaries in the strategic areas throughout Great Houston and around the world in places like  Brazil, Honduras, the Caribbean, Mozambique, and the Iberian Peninsula. In addition, your generosity allows us to serve our partners by engaging in a variety of strategic initiatives and projects. This fund also helps enable leaders and volunteers from Clear Creek to serve our partners on foreign soil and bring the gospel to the world.

View last year’s annual report to see how God has worked in and through Clear Creek Community Church over the past year.

Budget & Finances

We value relentless stewardship of our resources on the corporate level as much as on an individual level, knowing God works through our finances to grow our faith and hearts for Jesus. Our Finance Team reviews the financial statements quarterly in order to best use the resources provided by our people to guide and accomplish the mission of our church.


  • Operating Budget: $11 Million
  • Reserved cash for new ministries: $30 K


Thank you for voting during the Member Retreat. The following are the CCCC member voting results.

  For Against
Budget 482 2
Trustees 485 0
Elders 482 3

Clear Creek makes its financial information available to the public. Feel free to direct any questions you have to Mark Carden [email protected].