Hosting at the Mix

Thank you so much for your willingness to host at The Mix. What you do helps shape what we do and how we focus students on what really matters: Jesus.

Be yourself

We all have different ways of engaging a room. Lean into your personality to lead our students well. Once you get more comfortable as a host, you can start trying different and creative things to engage students, but until then just focus on what your job is!

Don’t let the room dictate your energy

When you take the stage, take a look at the energy of the room. See where it is and where it needs to be based on the moment. Then, you set the thermometer for the room.

Know the “why” and prepare

A huge responsibility for a host is to move the audience through the flow of the program, and it is your job to make things move seamlessly. It is impossible to do this well without preparation. The more prepared we are, the more effectively we can carry out our goal of meeting each moment well.