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Today we join with the angels in heaven, the shepherds in the fields, the wise men from the east, and the millions of faithful followers across the globe to come and adore him — Christ the Lord — the True Light which came into the world…
Do a Go Opportunity
Clear Creek partners with local organizations to make a difference in our community. Opportunities are available for individuals, families, and small groups. If you would like to serve with one of our local partners, contact the corresponding Go Advocate on our Go Local Partner List. You can also check out other valuable GO resources that will help you plan.
Start a Conversation
During the holiday season, you will likely find yourself in a social situation making small talk with friends, family, or new acquaintances. Don’t sweat it! Here are some questions to help you to have an intentional and enriching conversation.
Create a Top 5
All around you, God has placed people you can know, love, and serve. At Clear Creek, we think of our relationship like circles we’re a part of. We call these our “spheres of influence.” Take time personally or as a family to identify your spheres of influence. Take note of the non-believers with whom you can build intentional relationships. Get to know them, pray for them, serve them, and find opportunities to share your grace story and the gospel.
Take the Supper
On the night Jesus was betrayed, he gathered with his disciples for a final meal before going to the cross. He instituted the Lord’s Supper as an enduring reminder for all followers of Jesus of his sacrifice for their salvation. The bread and cup that we eat together respectively symbolize the body and blood of Jesus. Gather the elements and take the Lord’s Supper with your family, some friends, or your small group.
Do Something Nice for Someone
Look for a way to do something nice for someone without expecting anything in return. Here are some ideas:
Write a Note to Your Boss or Teacher
Affirm with Words
Let your family members know the good they see in each other.
Write a letter to your Future-Self
A letter to yourself is something that you write now and read later. It can remind you of how you felt at a specific time in your life and brings with it helpful comparisons that allow you to see how growth and change have impacted your beliefs, feelings, and actions. Write a letter that you’ll open at the end of 2023. Tell your future self about:
Put the letter in a sealed envelope, mark a date on it and put it somewhere that you will remember where you put it (or give it to someone for safe keeping), then set a reminder on your calendar to read it. Or for a more digital approach, write an email to yourself and set a future send date.
Discuss Your Highs and Lows for the Year
Gather your family or your friends around a table for dinner and discuss the highs and lows of 2022 and your hopes for 2023. Here are some questions you can ask one another:
Have Dinner with a Stranger
Who is that person who you have met, but don’t really know yet? Who has God put in your life that you want to know more? Or someone who you just feel God is convicting you to reach out to? Invite them over for dinner. It doesn’t need to be fancy or perfect, it just needs to be you offering your time and life to someone else. Show God’s generosity to someone else and pray that God is present with you and begins a work in this person and in you.
Invite Someone to Church
Take a chance and invite that person who God has placed on your heart to church in the new year. It can be a simple part of your conversation with a neighbor or a quick text to friends or family. Think through what God has given you in church, how it has blessed you and changed you, and then invite them to experience church for themselves. It is okay if they say no or even don’t respond; inviting others into God’s family and mission is always a loving and faithful act.
Count Your Blessings
Find 15 minutes alone, with a friend, or with your spouse—without distractions—and answer these questions:
Take some time pray, thanking God for his good gifts, and consider sending a handwritten note or a text message to someone who has blessed you this year.
Forgive in Your Heart
Think of someone who you are harboring resentment and frustration about in your life and ask God to help you truly forgive.
Throw a NYE Party!
A great way to be generous is to simply invite people over. This year, have a NYE party for your family or friends! Gather together in celebration of the great gifts, experiences, and lessons of the past year and anticipate together what is to come in 2023! Ask God to place on your heart people to invite and before your party, pray to be a gospel presence to all of your guests.
Read a Book
Choose one of these books to read in 2023 recommended from Clear Creek Community Church. Consider reading a book with a friend and pray that God would transform your hearts and your minds through reading and contemplating the wisdom this book offers.
Prayer Walk Your Neighborhood
“Your Kingdom come, your will be done in my neighborhood as it is in Heaven.” By yourself or with your family, take a walk around your neighborhood or apartment complex and as you come to each house or unit simply pray a prayer over each family. These prayers can be as simple as, “Lord, save them” or can be more complex if you know the needs of the people who live around you. Direct each prayer to inviting Jesus to bring his Kingdom and will into the lives of the people who live where you live, and you just might find your heart growing in compassion for them!
Worship with Your Family Through Music
Go to the Clear Creek YouTube channel for a playlist for you and your family to worship into the new year! Put it on in your home and let the songs and truths of the gospel ring through the rooms of your household.
Make a Plan for Prayer
Prayer is the root of spiritual growth. Try creating a daily rhythm of meeting with God and allowing him to transform your life through his presence. Sit down and write out what you would like your prayer life to look like in the new year, and then make a plan to follow through. Maybe invite a friend to join you as well! Here are some prayer resources to help you.
Meet with a Friend
Invite a friend to coffee or lunch. Talk to them about where you are with the Lord. Express your struggles and sins and ask them to pray for you in areas in which you want to see God do a new work.
Bake Cookies for a Neighbor
Get out the flour and sugar and bake up a tasty treat for a neighbor. Here’s a great recipe from Greg Poore.
Start the new year off with this video from Bruce.